Research Study Search

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The legume species the research study is focused on (e.g. Lens culinaris).

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  • Cicer arietinum genome build 0.1 PRE-RELEASE
    This Cicer arietinum PRE-RELEASE genome assembly for the kabuli-type CDC Frontier has been deprecated in favour of the published v1.0 generated by the same group. This pre-release assembly was used in our Chickpea 454 SNP Discovery Project to anchor the reads for SNP calling and is made available
  • Eight germplasm were chosen for this project: Amit, CDC Frontier, CDC Xena, Cr5-10 ICC12512-1, ICCV96029, ILWC 118, Y9563-28. Tissue was collected from multiple plants at various developmental stages for RNA extraction which led to the generation of 3'-anchored cDNA libraries using the method [Read more]
    Breeding & Genetics
  • The project has three phases: In the first phase, chickpea genotypes were evaluated in the growth chambers for their flowering response under both long (16 h) and short days (10 h) and 22 0C and 16 0C day and night temperatures. Variability among the genotypes in their flowering response under [Read more]
    Breeding & Genetics