Warning message

Enter the names of the germplasm you would like to see the genotypes of under "Germplasm" below.

Lens Genotypes

Choose germplasm you are interested in.
Simply enter the name of one germplasm (e.g. "Eston AGL", "CDC Robin AGL", or "ILL 8007 AGL") of interest below and then click the green plus (+) button. You can enter any number of germplasm you are interested in and each will be added to the matrix as they are entered.
Specify the stock (and species of the stock) you want to display the genotypes of.
Restrict the variants to those that have different allele calls for the selected germplasm.
Restrict to the region of the genome. (optional)
If applicable, we recommend you filter to a given region of the genome to make the genotype set more managable. For example, to see all of Lentil Chromosome 4 you would enter From "LcChr4" to "LcChr4" leaving the start and end position blank.
The range of the genome you would like to display variants from. If you enter just the start or just the end position then all variants before or after that location, respectively, will be displayed.
Please specify the germplasm you would like to see the genotypes of under "Germplasm" above.