Genome Assemblies

The legume species the genome assembly describes (e.g. Lens culinaris).
The legume species the genome assembly describes (e.g. Lens culinaris).

The name of the genome assembly you are interested in (partial names are accepted).
  • This CDC Greenstar Lens culinaris genome assembly (Lcu.1GRN) was assembled using highly accurate long read sequencing, or HiFi reads (37x coverage) and the assembler LRA, resulting in 1635 contigs. Scaffolding of the contigs was done using Irys optical mapping data and these were aligned to the CDC [Read more]
    2023 Jan 6
    CDC Greenstar
  • This assembly of IG 72623 (Lens odemensis) was constructed with long-read data (41x Oxford nanopore reads). There were a total of 3305 contigs with the longest contig spanning 20.3 Mb. The contiguity of the assembly was further validated and improved using HiC data and a genetic map (IG 72543 x IG [Read more]
    2022 Jun 23
    IG 72623
    349/3,269 Kb
  • This assembly of BGE 016880 (Lens orientalis) was constructed with long-read data (50x Oxford nanopore reads). There were 3 706 total contigs with the longest contig spanning 11.4 Mb. The contiguity of the assembly was further validated and improved using HiC data and a genetic map (LR-89; BGE [Read more]
    2022 Jun 23
    BGE 016880
    498/2,316 Kb
  • This CDC Redberry Lens culinaris genome assembly was constructed with long-read data (34x PacBio SMRT, 20x Oxford nanopore reads). The contiguity of the assembly was further validated and improved using HiC data, as well as both an optical and genetic map (LR-01; ILL 1704 x CDC Robin intraspecific [Read more]
    2020 Feb 10
    CDC Redberry ASM
  • This IG 72815 ASM Lens ervoides genome assembly was constructed with long-read data (52x Oxford nanopore reads). The contiguity of the assembly was further validated and improved using HiC data and a genetic map (LR-66; L1-02-827 x IG 72815 intraspecific RIL). The finished assembly is 2.87 Gb [Read more]
    2019 Nov 27
    IG 72815 ASM
  • This version represents the final short read assembly of the Lens culinaris CDC Redberry genome which was distributed as a pre-release version. DNA was extracted from single seed descent plants and sequencing was carried out by next generation DNA sequencing with paired-end, mate-pair and long read [Read more]
    2016 May 16
    CDC Redberry ASM