Pisum sativum 454 Sequencing & SNP Discovery Project

Pisum sativum 454 Sequencing & SNP Discovery Project

Eight germplasm were chosen for this project: Alfetta, CDC Bronco, CDC Striker, Cooper, Nitouche, Orb, P-651, PI 358610. Tissue was collected from multiple plants at various developmental stages for RNA extraction which led to the generation of 3'-anchored cDNA libraries using the method described in Parkin et al., 2010. Each line was sequenced using the Roche 454 Titanium sequencing protocol. Sequencing reads were assembled into contigs using the NGen assembler resulting in 29,725 CDC Bronco contigs. Contigs from the other 10 lines were compared to CDC Bronco and loci which were polymorphic between CDC Bronco and at least one other line were identified resulting in 131,424 SNPs.