Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay

Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay

An Illumina Golden Gate array was developed using SNPs identified as part of the Lentil 454 Sequencing & Genotyping Project.  
454 pyrosequencing technology was used for targeted 3-cDNA transcript profiling for the nine L. culinaris genotypes and two L. ervoides wild accessions.  


A set of 11,050 non-redundant polymorphic contigs (41% of all contigs) were identified from this analysis, containing a total of 44,879 non redundant SNPs. These SNPs comprised 27,198 transitions (61%) and 17,681 transversions (39%) closely reflecting the nucleotide conversions seen in other plants. 

The Golden Gate array enabled a large number of SNPs across a diverse range of gens to be identified in a diverse range of domesticated L. culinaris genotypes as well as wild L. ervoides accessions.  


Published Materials
Sharpe AG, Ramsay L, Sanderson LA, Fedoruk MJ, Clarke WE, Li R, Kagale S, Vijayan P, Vandenberg A, Bett KE. Ancient orphan crop joins modern era: gene-based SNP discovery and mapping in lentil. BMC genomics. 2013; 14:192.