Phaseolus vulgaris: UI111 Genome Assembly v1.1
Phaseolus vulgaris UI111 v1.1, DOE-JGI and USDA-NIFA,
Date Released | October 2019
Data Source |
Assembly Genome Size | 554.9 Mb
Number Of Scaffolds | 58
Scaffold N50 value | 5
Scaffold N50 length | 51 Mb
Number Of Genes | 27,385
This is a high-quality PacBio-based assembly of the Phaseolus vulgaris UI111 genome. It consists of 141.5x long-read sequence coverage assembled into 11 chromosomes, which contain 98.9% of the sequence. Additionally, homozygous SNPs and INDELs were corrected using ~180x of Illumina reads (2x150, 400bp insert).
Assembly Details
Workflow/Pipeline Name | Phytozome Assembly workflow
Algorithm | MECAT
Program Version | unknown
PacBio sequence was assembled using MECAT and polished using QUIVER. The assembly was corrected by breaking down the v2 release of Phaseolus vulgaris into 23,601 nonredundant, non-overlapping 1,500 bp syntenic markers. Additionally, the F2 and F5 maps were utilized and resulted in 6 breaks to the assembly. Scaffolds were re-orientated, ordered and joined together according to the 3 marker sets for a total of 109 joins. This yielded in 98.9% of the assembled sequence to be contained in the 11 chromosomes.
Original Source |
This data is publicly available at the above location. It can be used with citation for small-scale analysis.
Phaseolus vulgaris UI111 v1.1, DOE-JGI and USDA-NIFA,
For large-scale analysis please access the phytozome website for collaborator contact information.