Phaseolus acutifolius: W6 15578 genome assembly v1.2
Phaseolus acutifolius W6 15578 genome assembly v1.2
Date Released | May 2019
Data Source |
Assembly Genome Size | 661,867,501 bases
Number Of Scaffolds | 635
Scaffold N50 value | 17
Scaffold N50 length | 12,576,913
Number Of Genes | 27,095
W6 15578 genome assembly v1.2 is a pre-release genome assembly of the wild Tepary bean W6 15578. It consists of 635 scaffolds covering a total of 661,867,501 bases with a maximum scaffold size of 30,522,608 bases. This assembly shows robust coverage of the gene space as reflected in detection of 92.6% of the BUSCO Embryophyta orthologs.
Assembly Details
Workflow/Pipeline Name | NRGene’s DenovoMagic2 pipeline
Algorithm | DenovoMagic2
Program Version | 2
This release was constructed through two revisions focused on scaffold orientation of the original W6 15578 genome assembly v1.0. The original v1.0 release is a De novo assembly carried out using NRGene’s DenovoMagic2 software platform with input data consisting of paired end, mate pair and a 10x GenomicsTM Chromium library sequenced to a depth of 175x. W6 15578 pseudomolecules were constructed by aligning flanking sequences from Illumina GoldenGate OPA and GBS genetic markers from two Tepary genetic maps: BR-06 (PI 430219 x W6 15578) and ____________ to the scaffolds with only unique hits used. Scaffolds with only a single marker hit were oriented using synteny with Common Bean and alignments of the 10X Chromium data were further used to correct scaffold orientation. Any discrepancies between the wild and cultivated Tepary genome assemblies were confirmed using reads from a single Oxford Nanopore library.
NCBI Bioproject |
This genome is available in pre-release form. For access send a detailed request by email to Dr. Kirstin Bett (k.bett @ The raw data is available at the NCBI Bioproject linked above.
Please contact Dr. Kirstin Bett for permission to publish an analysis using this genome assembly. Once permission is obtained, you can cite this assembly as
Koh K, Ramsay L, Kagale S, Bett KE (2019) Phaseolus acutifolius W6 15578 genome assembly v1.2. Retrieved from